Sunday, September 15, 2013

Backpacking the Peninsulas: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore - Day 2

Tuesday - September 3rd, 2013

Todays Miles:          10.9
Cumulative Miles:   18

We woke up at a decent time, around 7. Last night was a much better night. I slept through almost the entire night, only waking up to roll over. When we got out of the tent, we saw that it was completely different out than the day before. The wind had died down, and the clouds had parted to reveal bright blue skies. Knowing that we had a long day ahead of us, our longest day in fact, we started right away with the morning's tasks. We rolled up the sleeping bags, deflated the air matresses. Jamie got breakfast going (mmm.... breakfast burritos) and I went down to get water.

As I  was bending down to get the water, a huge rogue wave came crashing into the rock I was standing on. As a result, I was soaked. Oh well, what can you do? We finished tearing down our camp, loaded up our packs and were off.

One of the worst parts of a backpacking trip is putting on your pack the morning after a full day of hiking. You feel the bruises on your hip where the belt dug in the day before. After a mile or two, you don't notice anymore though. Anyways, we had a short half mile walk to the Au Sable Light Station.

We snapped a few pictures, then headed to the next destination, the Hurricane River Campground. One nice thing was that it had pit toilets. One less time going in the woods. Yahoo!

We had a quick snack, then headed out again. Most of the trail followed the shore today. There was a pleasant breaze, and you could always hear the waves crashing.

It was a nice hike. We had lunch at Twelve Mile Beach. We set up the ENO's and took off the boots and socks. It is always a relief to get off your feet and let your toes air out.

Since it was a long day for us, 10.9 miles, we tried to break it up into smaller goals, only so many miles to Hurricane River and only this many to Seven Mile Creek. We'll stop and have a snack when we get here or there. It helps pass the miles.

We were feeling strong until the last 2 or so miles. Jamie was still trucking like a champ, but I was fading fast.

Oh, randomly, there is this old car along the trail in the middle of the woods. I would really like to know the story behind it.

Anyways, It was a relief to get to our spot at Trappers Lake. The lake was as smooth as glass. It was very peacefull

The campsite was nice, only a few mosquitos. We had another couple to share the campground with tonight, though they pretty much kept to themselves.

Right now, I'm hoping my legs recover for the hike tomorrow. We still have 3 more days on the trail. Yikes! Wish me luck.

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